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Pertamina: Ensuring Sufficient Supply and Services During Ramadan, Deputy Minister of BUMN I Inspects Petrol Stations in the East Java Region


To ensure the readiness and fuel availability in the field during Ramadan 1443 H/2022 AD, Pahala Nugraha Mansury, Deputy Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) I, accompanied by Deny Djukardi, Executive General Manager of Pertamina Patra Niaga Jatimbalinus, visited one of the gas stations in East Java, SPBU 54,683.10 Situbondo (3/4).

On that occasion, Pahala said that his visit was to supervise and ensure the optimal supply of gasoline products such as Pertalite and Pertamax, and Gasoil products, Biosolar to the community.

“We ensure that the supply of fuel goes well ahead of the month of Ramadan. With the increase in economic activity in the East Java region, we anticipate the need for fuel,” Pahala said.

In addition, he added that the fuel, especially subsidized fuel by the government, namely Biosolar, is always available and right on target. “We, as an extension of the government, hope that the distribution of certain types of fuel (JBT), such as biodiesel, can be fulfilled by Pertamina per the quota set and on target,” Pahala said.

Meanwhile, Deny Djukardi, Executive General Manager of Pertamina Patra Niaga Jatimbalinus, Pertamina Patra Niaga in Jatimbalinus, ensured service readiness at all gas stations, Pertashop, SPPBE, and LPG agents. Currently, there are 956 petrol stations, 532 Pertashop units, 124 SPPBE, as well as more than 800 LPG PSO and Non-PSO agents ready to serve the energy needs of the people in East Java.

“According to the Deputy Minister’s direction, we ensure that the availability and distribution of fuel in the community continue to run optimally. Currently, the stock in all BBM Terminals and LPG Depots is safe, with Coverage Days on average of 5-17 days. There are 6 Fuel and LPG terminals ready to serve the community needs through petrol stations and SPBBE (bulk LPG filling stations) in the East Java region,” Deny said.

To ensure stock availability and optimize Fuel and LPG distribution to the public, Pertamina Patra Niaga in the Jatimbalinus area will also activate the Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr 1443 H Task Force service post.

“Through the RAFI Task Force (Ramadan Eid al-Fitr), which will start in the month of Ramadan, Pertamina Patra Niaga in Jatimbalinus is committed to meeting energy needs in the form of fuel and LPG so that consumers do not have to worry. However, we also urge that if consumers have difficulty getting supplies of fuel and LPG, they can contact Pertamina Contact Center 135 or for information through the MyPertamina application,” Deny concluded.

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