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Indonesia Energy Ministry: Sorik Marapi PLTP Unit 2 with a Capacity of 45 MW Officially Operates


The Sorik Marapi Geothermal Power Plant (PLTP) unit 2 with a capacity of 45 MW has started commercial operations after completing the Unit Rated Capacity (URC) Test . The power plant, which is located in Mandailing Natal Regency, North Sumatra, has successfully completed the construction of the project until it is ready to operate in about 18 months.

“We should give our appreciation to PT Sorik Marapi Geothermal Power (SMGP) as a PLTP developer, which has shown good faith, improved performance and its efforts to continue to ensure that the construction of the power plant meets the COD target that has been previously set in the RUPTL”, said Dadan Kusdiana, Director General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation at the inauguration of the Sorik Marapi PLTP unit 2 which was held virtually today, Wednesday (28/7).

Pandemic Covid-19 affect the mobilization and the duration of the implementation of various activities in the field, so that the Commercial Operation Date / COD II geothermal power plant unit is delayed from the original target planned in December 2020. Delays also occur because of termination by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources as a consequence of the incidence of fatality that is not expected to happen.

“Of course in the implementation of exploitation activities conducted by PT SMGP, must consider the aspects related to the fulfillment of its obligations as a holder of the IPB among other aspects of Occupational Health and Safety, Environmental Protection (K3LL) and still meet the technical norms of good or good and engineering practice “, concluded Dadan.

PT SMGP as one of the geothermal developers of the Geothermal Permit/IPB regime, has brought new nuances and breakthroughs, both in drilling operations, a fast PLTP development timeline , as well as the use of the latest technology for geothermal power plants, namely the Screw Expander modular generator , which has been proven to be installed in Unit I with a capacity of 45 MW. PLTP Unit 1 itself has been operating commercially in October 2019.

The Sorik Marapi PLTP project in the Sorik-Marapi-Roburan-Sampuraga Geothermal Working Area (WKP) has a total development target of 240 MW according to a feasibility study that has been approved by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, as well as a power purchase contract with PT PLN (Persero). In its efforts to meet the development target, PT SMGP is currently continuing to drill development wells to supply PLTP Units 3 and 4.

With the operation of the PLTP Unit II, it is hoped that the production will increase from 28 million kWh of electricity per month to 50 million kWh per month, and can increase contributions in the form of Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) and production bonuses. In 2020, the electricity production of the Sorik Marapi PLTP reached 334 million kWh, which means that with the electricity sale and purchase rate of 8.1 cents dollar/kWh and with the North Sumatra Province BPP of 10.18 Cent/kWh, there is a savings of approximately Rp. 100 billion for PLN from the purchase of this geothermal electricity. The tariff for buying and selling electricity from the Sorik Marapi PLTP proves that the price of electricity from geothermal energy is also competitive with other EBT generator rates, which are below 10 cents per kWh on average.

With the addition of COD Unit 2, it has the potential to increase PNBP of Rp 10 billion per year from the planned capacity of 45 MW. Not only that, the production bonus from the Sorik Marapi PLTP which is directly deposited into the Mandailing Natal Regency General Cash Account in 2020 amounting to Rp. 1.9 billion, is projected to increase in 2021 to Rp. 2.7 billion. (DLP/KO)

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