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Indonesia Energy Ministry: These are Three Approaches to Overcoming Electrification in 3T


The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) is committed to accelerating electrification problems in the 3T (Front, Outermost, and Disadvantaged) areas. One of the strategic policies pursued is through optimizing the use of New and Renewable Energy (EBT).

“The government wants to meet the electricity needs for the whole community. So providing access (energy) is a priority program for the government, in this case the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources,” explained Director of Various EBT, Directorate General of EBTKE, Chrisnawan Anditya on the sidelines of the launching of the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) Initiative Movement program. Solar Power (Gerilya) on Friday, (13/8).

Chrisnawan said that in general there are three approaches taken by the government to supply electricity to remote areas. The three approaches are carried out through the development of electricity infrastructure, namely grid extension, off-grid or mini-grid development, and pre-electrification programs.

The approach through the grid expansion method can be implemented if the area is close to the electricity network belonging to the State Electricity Company (Persero). “By pulling the (existing) network, people can enjoy electricity,” said Chrisnawan.

Meanwhile, for an area where the population is centralized and far from the PLN network, it will be developed off-grid. “This is seen from the existing potential. For example, there is hydro or biomass, that’s what we encourage. We have pushed this effort by helping the 100 kWp communal solar power plant for 300 households,” explained Crisnawan.

Another solution to accelerate electricity acceleration in similar conditions is to encourage local governments to build NRE generating capacity with the main priority of PLTS and Minihydro PLT up to a capacity of 5 MW through the Special Allocation Fund. “We are preparing regulations related to this,” added Crisnawan.

Finally, the pre-electrification approach is used if there are areas where the population is dispersed and requires large costs to install the network system. This approach, in addition to using Energy Efficient Solar Lamps (LTSHE) can also be used with 500 Watt Electrical Power Distribution Equipment (APDAL) per one house. “There is also the construction of off-grid PLTS,” explained Crisnawan.

Involve Young Generation and Regulatory Support

In order to accelerate the acceleration of electricity access development in the region, there are two main programs initiated by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and are intended for millennials. First, the Patriot Energi program which was launched in July 2021. “This program does not only focus on developing NRE, but also surveys energy potentials to business processes for joint management with the community,” explained Chrisnawan.

Meanwhile, another program that has just been launched is the Solar Power Initiative Movement (GERILYA). This program is only intended for active students at the undergraduate and vocational levels. This program is implemented in the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) learning method which is managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek). “This program specifically studies solar energy,” closed Chrisnawan.

As part of the support for the development of PLTS, especially PLTS Roof, the government is harmonizing the Draft Ministerial Regulation (Permen) of ESDM concerning Rooftop Solar Power Plants Connected to the Electric Power Network.

This regulation is an extension of the ESDM Ministerial Regulation No. 49/2018 concerning the Use of Rooftop Solar Power Generation Systems by Consumers of PT PLN (Persero) jo. MEMR Regulation No. 13/2019 in conjunction with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 16/2019.

Some of the basic considerations for the harmonization of the legal umbrella of Rooftop PLTS are increasing the role of the community through the expansion of Rooftop PLTS users in order to accelerate the target of the EBT mix, increasing the economic value of Rooftop PLTS, speeding up the application process for approval of Rooftop PLTS installation, simplifying operational services, facilitating supervision, maintaining the stability of the holder’s electricity system. IUPTLU, to facilitate customers from the industrial and business sectors in trading carbon.

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