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Australia Govt: Government supporting delivery of transmission infrastructure in south-west NSW


The Australian Government has secured an agreement with transmission provider TransGrid to improve capacity of the electricity transmission network in south-west NSW.

The government will provide up to $181.5 million in underwriting support to build transmission lines from south of Coleambally to Wagga Wagga. This will help enable construction of Project EnergyConnect at a larger capacity.

Building a single line with larger capacity will remove the need for duplicate lines for the Victoria-NSW West (VNI West) interconnector. This will save consumers hundreds of millions of dollars.

VNI West is expected to deliver up to 1800 MW of additional capacity between NSW and Victoria. This will improve reliability for Victorian consumers while unlocking additional generation capacity.

The Hon Angus Taylor MP, Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction, said, ‘The government is committed to the development of an efficient and resilient transmission backbone for the electricity market.

‘Investments in projects like this one will help to unlock reliable electricity supply like Snowy 2.0, deliver substantial cost savings, minimise landholder impacts and help keep the lights on and prices low.’

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