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Chevron: Chevron embarks on carbon offsets restoration project


Chevron has teamed up with Restore the Earth Foundation to help remove carbon from the atmosphere by reforesting a stretch of southeastern Louisiana.

With the help of funding from Chevron, Restore the Earth expects to plant approximately 1.7 million bald cypress trees in an area covering 8,800 acres, or up to 14 square miles in St. Charles Parish. Chevron expects the trees to sequester or capture carbon, generating offsets that can help us achieve our lower carbon goals and support our customers in doing the same.

At the same time, the trees are expected to help guard against flooding and storm damage, solidify the land and strengthen soil formation. The large-scale planting may also support biodiversity, serving as a corridor for other native plants and animals to colonize the area. That’s a lot to ask of a tree, but the bald cypress – the Louisiana state tree – is up to the task.

rebuilding a forest
Most of the land is owned by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and all of their land, including the reforested land, is put under a permanent conservation easement – providing for the long-term protection and sustainability of the forest.

“We feel really strongly about doing high-quality projects that have a real impact,” said Amy Moss-Russell, offsets product owner for Chevron New Energies.

“Southern Louisiana culture, identity and, in many cases, livelihood are tied to the landscapes of the coast,” said Taylor Marshall, director of Sustainability Programs for Restore the Earth. “The hope is not only can this project provide protection and enhance resilience, but also preserve, restore and continue to provide for that identity and culture that makes Louisiana so special.”

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