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Ecopetrol launches an open call for the best high school graduates in the country to promote access to higher education


Ecopetrol launched an open call for the best students from rural areas of the country, areas of influence of the company and beneficiaries of its social investment programs, to be recognized with a scholarship for higher education through its program ‘ Bachilleres Ecopetrol Mario Galán Gómez ‘, which will favor up to 70 young people in its 2023 promotion.

Ecopetrol Bachelors is a voluntary initiative of the company that is part of the strategic social investment program “Ecopetrol Educa”, under the conviction that education is the main engine of development in Colombia and for this reason it aims to benefit young people from rural areas of the country and the areas of influence of the Ecopetrol Group.

The program covers 100% of the value of university tuition or higher education at the educational institution accredited by the Ministry of National Education, which is chosen by the student. Additionally, it recognizes a semester aid for transportation, maintenance and lodging for those who study outside their municipalities of residence.

Young people who obtained a superior performance in the Saber 11 tests of the year 2022 and meet the requirements of the program’s internal regulations may participate. The call is open until February 28, 2023. The results of the call will be informed to the applicants in the third week of March 2023.

Those interested should enter the link http://ecopetrol.com.co/bachilleresecopetrol2023 , where they will find general information about the scholarship and the registration form. Once they fill out the form completely, they must attach the requested documents.

“The Ecopetrol High School Program confirms with real actions the essence of our higher purpose: to contribute to a more equitable, inclusive society with greater opportunities for all, particularly for those young people who come from the areas most affected by inequality in our country” , said Diana Escobar, Ecopetrol’s vice president of Sustainable Development.

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