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Eurelectric: Eurelectric welcomes the proposed TEN-E Regulation


The European Commission has today adopted a proposal to revise the EU rules on Trans-European Networks for Energy (the TEN-E Regulation).

Upon the release of the proposal, Kristian Ruby, Eurelectric’s Secretary General, said:

“The revision of the TEN-E is a first step in future-proofing EU’s energy infrastructure and delivering on the climate neutrality ambitions.”

“Distribution grids will play a fundamental role in the energy transition, enabling consumers to power their needs with abundant flows of decarbonised electricity”, he added.
In this context, Eurelectric calls on policymakers to:

Align investments in infrastructure categories and selection processes with the higher decarbonisation target.
Prioritise projects that foster electrification and the direct use of renewables at distribution grid level.
Adopt a wider system approach to drive local infrastructure projects with cross-border benefits.
Maximise the synergies with between sectors to enable the decarbonisation of mobility, heating, and industries, while empowering active customers.
Revise the governance of the Ten Year Network Development Plan (TYNDP) to reflect the changing energy system, while simplifying the permit granting procedures.

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