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European Commission: European Sustainable Energy Week taking shape, with registrations opening tomorrow


The 16th edition of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) – the EU’s biggest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use – will take place from 25-29 October 2021, under the theme: ‘Towards 2030: Reshaping the European energy system’. Preparations for this year’s event are progressing as scheduled, and registrations will open tomorrow, 7 September 2021. For full information, check the EUSEW website registration page or follow the #EUSEW2021 hashtag on social media.

Last year, due to COVID restrictions, EUSEW turned digital. Because of the continued uncertainties, this year’s edition will again be an on-line event – and even more interactive than it was last year. Based on the traditional EUSEW concept, all participants (and speakers) will log on to the dedicated EUSEW platform and be able to take part in a rich programme. With more than 30 different sessions foreseen in the main programme, here are some of the highlights:

Digital Policy Conference with sessions organised by the Commission and energy stakeholders
EUSEW Awards in 4 categories – women, young trailblazer, innovation, engagement (online public vote opens on 21 September)
a 48-hour online communication “hackathon” leading up to the second European Youth Energy Day, addressing 18-34 year olds
1:1 video meetings, virtual stands and other networking activities
In addition, the public will also have access to online side events, like those (more than 40 sessions) run by partners in the Extended Programme (11 – 22 October) and the Sustainable Energy Days, taking place all over Europe in September and October.

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