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European Commission: Further progress on integrating Ukraine and Moldova into European electricity market


The European Commission welcomes the progress in integrating Ukraine and Moldova into the European electricity market, as confirmed today by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E). Following the emergency synchronisation of these two networks on 16 March, which ensured the security of supply for the two interconnected power systems, TSOs from Continental Europe have now agreed on the steps to open electricity trading with Ukraine while ensuring energy security for the region. The Ukrainian TSO Ukrenergo and the Continental Europe TSOs will work together on implementing these conditions. Ukrenergo has also been made an Observer Member in ENTSO-E.

EU Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson said:

I welcome the decision by the European TSOs to open the electricity trade with Ukraine, following the successful emergency synchronisation in March. The process will be gradual and done under clear conditions agreed with our Ukrainian partners, so that the energy security for the region will be ensured. This is another tangible sign of our solidarity with Ukraine and a further important step in the longer term perspective towards achieving full synchronisation, market reforms, and market integration between the EU and Ukraine.

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