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Indonesia Energy Ministry: The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Becomes a Pioneer in Introducing the Newest ASN Core Values ​​and Employer Branding


The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) again held the One Hour University (OHU) Webinar, and presented the motivator and founder of the ESQ Leadership Center Ary Ginanjar. This time, the OHU webinar was held to respond to the launch of the Core Values “Berakhlak” and the Employer Branding of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) “Proud to Serve the Nation” by President Joko Widodo, last Tuesday (27/7).

The Head of the Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) of ESDM Prahoro Yulijanto Nurtjahyo hopes that in this OHU webinar, ASN of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources can explore further the core values ​​of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

“Yesterday, the President launched the core values ​​of ASN, including employer branding . The day after that we immediately gave an opportunity to explore directly from the expert, namely Mr. Ary. I hope that this time we can explore even more,” said Prahoro, Wednesday (28/7).

Ary also appreciated the steps taken by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, which immediately introduced the latest core values and employer branding to employees.

“I applaud. This is the only ministry, less than 24 hours after the President launched this, BerAKHLAK, then the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources immediately launched the program today. This is the fastest way to introduce core values ,” said Ary.

In his presentation, Ary said that an organization as big as the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources must be able to build organizational character and culture, in line with the development of work systems.

“The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is a big organization, a big agency, if we only build walls, build structures, but without building character, without building culture, yes, the fate is the same as the Wall of China,” he said.

According to Ary, all organizations must have a vision, mission, goals, structures, strategies, and systems. However, when the execution does not occur as expected, then what is wrong is the work culture or corporate culture . Most organizations will focus on improving the structure and system, whereas what should be improved is the work culture.

Ary also said that after the President launched the new core values and employer branding , all agencies and ASN must implement the same thing. The values ​​of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources that have been set since 2015, namely Honest, Serving, Professional, Innovative, and Meaningful, have also been included in the latest ASN core values .

“After the President launched, all agencies, all ASN core values ​​have one, namely BEAKHLAK. What is the Employer branding ? Everyone must be “Proud to Serve the Nation,” he stressed.

As is known, President Joko Widodo has launched a new foundation in the form of basic values ​​for the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). The newest Core Values is BerAKHLAK, which is an acronym for service-oriented, accountable, competent, harmonious, loyal, adaptive, and collaborative. At the same time, ASN in Indonesia also has employer branding #BanggaMelayanibangsa. (DKD)

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