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The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, announced on Tuesday that for this year 2021 Venezuela estimates to increase production to one million 500 thousand barrels of oil per day, thanks to the Anti-Blockade Law and the effort made is doing on a financial level.

“We are prepared for a productive recovery and we have the goal of reaching one million 500 thousand barrels of oil per day to be sold to the world, with the new production, financing and marketing mechanisms. Oil workers have taken over the industry to guarantee production, lower production costs and finance it in different ways, ”said the Head of State.

During the presentation of the Annual Message to the Nation before the Legislative Power, he explained that PDVSA has been the main target of the policy of destruction in economic matters, designed by the extremist government of outgoing US President Donald Trump.

“Since 2015, the attack against the oil industry began, the financial persecution, the political legal operations in foreign courts to deprive Venezuela of its assets abroad, the assault on oil tankers, the internal sabotage to generate a drop in production. and internal corruption that impacted on oil production, “he said.

President Maduro recalled that PDVSA for March 2015, maintained a production of 2 million 153 thousand barrels of oil per day, before the approval of the Executive Order by Barack Obama against Venezuela.

“Between 2014 and 2019, oil production fell by 69% due to the inability of the industry to access financing and the ban on the sale of oil. Losses for Venezuela are around 100 billion dollars since 2015. We lasted 13 months without selling a drop of oil to the world, “he denounced.

During the presentation of the Annual Message to the Nation, the Head of State explained how imperial pressure has affected all economic indicators in Venezuela since 2013, in which the right wing and foreign forces applied the policy of applying unilateral coercive measures, ” they sanctioned Venezuelan gold, they sanctioned the Petro and cryptocurrencies. They persecuted our accounts and resources abroad, they refused to process payments, even to pay for food shipments, purchase of food, medicines and supplies and medical equipment necessary for the country.

Likewise, he denounced Treasury Department officials “who directly blackmailed dozens of international companies, forcing them to close their operations with Venezuela. They even sanctioned large companies from China, Russia, Iran, Cuba and other countries for maintaining open and transparent trade relations with Venezuela.

President Maduro reiterated that these sanctions and the policy of aggression against Venezuela, which the United Nations describes as illegal, have caused suffering to the Venezuelan people, affecting the wages of workers, which at this time should be the center of politics. .

In this regard, he urged the Legislative Power to accompany the National Executive to go along with the repatriation of the Venezuelan gold that is in England, of the more than 30 billion dollars seized by the world bank and to regain possession of the Citgo property and Monomers.

“We must recover those resources and assets that are abroad, for which the National Assembly has appointed a commission,” explained President Maduro, while indicating that if Venezuela manages to recover the resources of which it has been stripped, it could reactivate oil production at about 2 million barrels of oil per day.

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