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PDVSA: Venezuela and Guinea Bissau strengthen the relaunch of energy cooperation with a South-South vision


The Sector Vice President of the Economy and Minister of Popular Power for Petroleum, Tareck El Aissami held a meeting with the Vice Prime Minister and Minister of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers for Parliamentary Affairs and Coordinator of the Economic Area of ​​Guinea Bissau, Soares Sambú, to establish what They will be the basis for the relaunch of new energy cooperation ties based on complementarity, within the framework of the South-South vision.

Also present at this meeting were the president of Petróleos de Venezuela, SA, Asdrúbal Chávez, and the director of Promotion and Business Development of Petroguin, the state oil company of Guinea Bissau, Celedonio Placido Vieira.

Bilateral relations between Guinea Bisàu and Venezuela have contributed to the development of strategic areas in energy, housing, health and tourism.

With this meeting, the South-South vision is strengthened towards the relaunch of a new energy cooperation, establishing mechanisms for the integration of the peoples.

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