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Pertamina: Commitment to Right Distribution, Pertamina Patra Niaga Tests Pertalite and Solar Service for Registered Users


Distributing subsidized fuel (BBM) is one of the mandates given to Pertamina Patra Niaga, PT Pertamina (Persero)’s Sub Holding Commercial & Trading, to fulfill affordable energy needs for the community. Solar and Pertalite distribution as subsidized fuel is controlled by legislation including Presidential Regulation No. 191/2014 and BPH Migas Decree (SK) No. 4/2020.

“In distributing subsidized fuel, there are rules for quotas or quantities and user segmentation. Currently, subsidized Solar user segment has been regulated, while Pertalite’s user segmentation is still too broad. As a business entity that sells Pertalite and Solar, we must comply, be on target, and have the right quota in distributing government subsidized fuel,” explained President Director of Pertamina Patra Niaga, Alfian Nasution.

In the field, currently, some consumers are not entitled to consume Pertalite and Solar. And if it is not regulated, there is a high potential that the set quota for one year will not be sufficient. To ensure the distribution mechanism is more targeted, Pertamina Patra Niaga has taken the initiative and innovated to conduct trials of distributing Pertalite and Solar for entitled users who have registered in the MyPertamina system.

“We have prepared the MyPertamina website, namely https://subsiditepat.mypertamina.id/, which will be opened on July 1, 2022. People who feel they have the right to use Pertalite and Solar can register their data through this website, then wait for their vehicle and identity to be confirmed as registered users. The MyPertamina system will help us match user data,” continued Alfian.

The public does not need to worry if they do not have the MyPertamina application because all registration is done on the MyPertamina website https://subsiditepat.mypertamina.id/. Users who have registered their vehicles and their identities will receive a notification via the registered email. Registered users will get a unique QR code which indicates their data is matched, and they can buy Pertalite and Solar.

“The most important thing is to ensure that you become a registered user on the MyPertamina website. If all the data is matched, consumers can make transactions at petrol stations, and all transactions will be recorded digitally. We are hoping for this. Pertamina can identify Pertalite and Solar consumers. Therefore, in the future, they can be a reference in making programs or policies related to energy subsidies with the government while protecting people who currently have the right to enjoy subsidized fuel,” he continued.

Currently, Pertamina Patra Niaga is strengthening infrastructure and systems to support this targeted Pertalite and Solar distribution program. The initial trials will be carried out in several cities/districts spread across five provinces, including West Sumatera, South Kalimantan, North Sulawesi, West Java, and DI Yogyakarta.

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