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Pertamina: Supports National Economic Recovery, PIS TKDN Reaches 32.4%


Pertamina International Shipping (PIS) continues to be committed in accelerating the national economic recovery in the midst of the current Covid-19 pandemic situation, one of which is by increasing the value of the Domestic Component Level (TKDN). This commitment is in line with PIS’ vision as a Subholding Integrated Marine & Logistics, which is to become a leading shipping company in Asia that can encourage economic growth in Indonesia and is outlined in its mission as an agent of Indonesia’s economic development.

Business Planning Director of PIS, Wisnu Medan Santoso said, “The purpose of increasing the utilization of domestic products within the Pertamina Group is to empower the domestic industry so that it can accelerate the acceleration of national economic recovery,” he said. In Q3 2021, PIS managed to record 32.4% of the utilization of domestic components, this has exceeded the minimum value that must be met, which is 30%. This is a motivation for the company to continue to be consistent in efforts to increase the value of TKDN as a form of support for accelerating the national economic recovery.

PIS as Subholding Integrated Marine Logistics has currently contributed to the increase in the value of TKDN through the construction of 11 3,200 HP Harbor Tugs by 30%, the procurement of 12 3,200 HP Harbor Tugs by 35.1%, the procurement of 1 Lot Heavy Equipment PSTB by 30%, and the construction of 20 RBB Oil Combat1 x 150 HP – Marine – Phase 2 units by 30.1%. In the future, the company will continue to be committed in supporting the utilization of domestic goods and services through the empowerment of local products and reducing the usage of imported goods in every project carried out.

Wisnu hopes that PIS can continue to be consistent in increasing the portion of the use of domestic products as a form of company support for the national economic recovery so that the Indonesian economy will continue to improve in the midst of the current COVID-19 situation.

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