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PTT Group: PTT receives Deal of the Year award at ThaiBMA Best Bond Awards 2021


Ms. Pannalin Mahawongthikul, Chief Financial Officer , PTT Public Company Limited ( PTT) received Deal of the Year award at the ThaiBMA Best Bond Awards 2021 organized by the Market Association. Thai debt instruments on March 30 , which is an award given to the most outstanding private bond issuance transactions in every category. and has been recognized by a wide range of investors in the past 2021

The award was awarded as a result of being the first private sector to offer debentures using the THOR interest rate as the benchmark interest rate. Including the offering of 4 more debentures, namely 3 years, 5 years, 7 years and 10 years, with a total offering value of 47 billion baht, which is considered to be a structure of the debentures in accordance with the needs of investors appropriately. and has been well received by investors as well

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