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Rosatom Head, ITER Director General hold working meeting


The parties discussed issues related to the progress of the joint implementation of the international project

Moscow – On October 8, Alexey Likhachev, Director General of Rosatom, held a working meeting with his colleague from the International ITER Organization, Pietro Barabaschi, who was in Russia on a visit.

The parties discussed issues related to the joint implementation of the international project for the construction of the ITER thermonuclear experimental reactor, in particular, the progress of the Russian Federation’s obligations in manufacture and procurement of its components.

At the end of the meeting Alexey Likhachev commented: “I am sincerely glad that my colleague Pietro Barabaschi has visited Russia. We had an open and trustful conversation in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and a common focus on success. Russia is a pioneer in the field of fusion research, the cradle of tokamak, and the initiator of the ITER Project itself. And our meeting with the head of ITER underlined the inviolability of Russia’s position in global thermonuclear research.”

Pietro Barabaschi has supported this view. “ITER is a remarkable example of international collaboration, where science unites nations in pursuit of a common goal. Russia’s contributions – like those of all other ITER Members – are essential, reflecting the shared commitment to advancing fusion energy for the benefit of all, and span from critical components to key technological innovations. As we move forward, this global spirit of collaboration continues to be a cornerstone of ITER’s success, ensuring the advancement of one of the most ambitious scientific endeavors of our time”, he stressed.

A day before the meeting with Alexey Likhachev, Pietro Barabaschi visited the Troitsk laboratory complex of the Project Center ITER, where he personally got acquainted with the fabrication base for the development of optical diagnostics, unique equipment for creating artificial monocrystalline diamonds. After the inspection of the complex, the head of ITER took part in a meeting with members of the ITER Council, the management of Rosatom and the Project Center ITER, heads of enterprises involved in the implementation of the project from the Russian side.

On October 9, scheduled the visit of Pietro Barabaschi on the D.V. Efremov Research Institute of Electrophysical Equipment (JSC NIIEFA, Rosatom) and the A.F. Ioffe Physical and Technical Institute (PhTI) of the Russian Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.

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