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Rosneft Oil: About 2,500 Students Begin Studying in Rosneft Classes


On Knowledge Day, Rosneft opened new specialised classes in Gubkinsky (YNAO) and Vladivostok (Primorsky Territory) to train school graduates for the oil and gas sector. In total, 113 Rosneft Classes opened their doors in 58 schools in 21 regions of the country on September 1. Around 2,500 students have started the new school year as part of the corporate education project.

The Rosneft Classes programme aims to provide students with a high-quality general secondary education with advanced study in mathematics, physics, chemistry and computer science.

Rosneft creates specialised classes in the regions of operations on the basis of the best general education organisations. Rosneft Classes are the first stage of the corporate continuous education system «school – university – enterprise». The programme has been operating since 2005, and its main aim is to provide vocational guidance and intensified preparation of students for entry into the country’s technical universities. This contributes to the development of a talent pool and ensures a steady inflow of quality trained young specialists to the Company.

In addition, Rosneft, in cooperation with the Talent and Success Educational Foundation, the National Intellectual Development Foundation, the Sirius Presidential Lyceum and the Lomonosov Moscow State University Gymnasium, annually organises educational programmes for talented students. Their aim is to provide students with specific competences in applied mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, computer science and programming. The children take part in the development of IT projects using VR and AR technology on topics relevant to the Company and engaged in computer modelling.

The skills enhancement of teachers is an integral part of pre-university training for students. Rosneft and Lomonosov Moscow State University are implementing a joint project on distance learning for teachers, which involved 296 teachers from the Company’s partner schools. The project also involves teachers of core disciplines from Rosneft’s partner universities, which helps to improve the competence of teachers and generally has a positive impact on the development of the education system in Russian regions.

Thanks to such intensive training, students of Rosneft Classes, supervised by Krasnodarneftegaz, Samaraneftegaz, the Syzran Refinery and RN-Exploration, among others, regularly win prestigious international and Russian competitions and school contests in chemistry, mathematics, biology and ecology, defend research projects and win educational grants. Last academic year, for example, 975 students from Rosneft Classes were winners and medalists in academic contests at various levels. Students of Rosneft Classes, supported by Angarsk Petrochemical Company and Udmurtneft, passed their state chemistry exams at 100 points.

In addition to teaching core school disciplines through advanced programmes, Rosneft Classes conducts vocational guidance work aimed at introducing students to the industry on an ongoing basis.

The effectiveness of the pre-university training project for students is illustrated by the employment of Rosneft Classes graduates with specialized education at the Company’s enterprises. More than 1,000 graduates from specialised classes have joined the teams at 70 Rosneft subsidiaries since 2012.

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