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Schlumberger: Schlumberger Reports on Payments to Governments for the year ended 31 December 2020


Schlumberger Limited is providing the following disclosure pursuant to L. 225-102-3 of the French Commercial Code (“FCC”) , which requires disclosures of certain payments made by Schlumberger Limited and its consolidated subsidiaries (together, the “Company”) to governments for the year ended December 31, 2020 relating to “extractive industries” as defined by, and required under, the FCC. The following schedules disclose the payments made by the Company in 2020 to governments in Bolivia, Georgia, Morocco, the United Kingdom and the United States in connection with the Company’s extractive activities under the FCC, including its operation of sand and barite mines.

Payments are disclosed in US Dollars. Where a payment or a series of related payments is less than the equivalent of EUR100,000 (USD $119,870) such payments have been excluded (in line with the FCC). Payments made in currencies other than United States Dollars are converted based on the foreign exchange rate at the relevant annual average rate.1

Taxes exclude taxes levied on consumption such as value added taxes, personal income taxes or sales taxes.

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