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The United States Announces more than $190 Million to Support Ukraine’s Energy Sector


Today, Deputy Administrator Isobel Coleman announced that USAID will provide more than $190 million to the Securing Power, Advancing Resilience and Connectivity (SPARC) project, which will provide urgently needed energy assistance to the Government of Ukraine (GOU) over five years. This project will focus on improving the resilience, reliability, affordability, and security of the electric power, natural gas, and district heating sectors in Ukraine and provide critical technical assistance, reform support, and equipment and services to maintain energy supply. Following the passage of the National Security Supplemental last week, the United States will also provide at least $1.4 billion in additional funding to support Ukraine’s economic recovery.

On March 22, 2024, Russia launched its largest attack to date on Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, further demonstrating the urgent need for this investment. USAID has dedicated nearly $1 billion in energy assistance since the onset of Putin’s full-scale invasion, building short and long-term resilience for the people of Ukraine. This includes over $475 million in emergency support provided during the last two winters to help Ukraine repair and maintain its energy infrastructure. This equipment includes autotransformers to ensure electricity transmission to communities across the country and mobile boiler houses to heat critical facilities like schools and hospitals. This support is helping Ukrainians achieve the future they envision for their own country – one in which Ukraine is prosperous, democratic, and independent.

The United States’ ongoing support for Ukraine reflects our commitment to its sovereignty, economic prosperity, and democratic institutions. USAID’s SPARC program will help keep the lights on for millions of Ukrainians and empower them to continue to protect their homeland.


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