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UN Climate Technology Centre and Network Partnership and Liaison Office to be established in Songdo, Incheon City


Nairobi: The Ministry of Science and ICT of the Republic of Korea, Incheon Metropolitan city, and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) signed an arrangement to establish the first UN Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) Partnership and Liaison Office, to be located in the Republic of Korea. Ms. Inger Andersen, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Ms. Lim Hyesook, Minister of Science and ICT and Mr. Namchoon Park, Mayor of Incheon city, signed the agreement.

Minister Lim Hyesook of Science and ICT stated, “It is an honour to establish the CTCN Partnership and Liaison Office in Korea for the world’s first time. The government will spare no effort to provide support in developing climate technologies in order to achieve global carbon neutrality.”

“In October last year, the government of the Republic of Korea declared that the country would aim to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. The government plans to update its Nationally Determined Contribution target for 2030 on the occasion of COP26 in November this year. Korea will strive to host COP28 to discuss the financial and technology mechanisms to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change,” Minister Lim further noted.

Park Namchoon, Mayor of Incheon Metropolitan City said, “It is expected that with the hosting of the CTCN Partnership and Liaison Office in Incheon, our Incheon Metropolitan City will grow into a key city in the climate change responses while maximizing synergies among 15 international organizations by creating a cluster of international organizations including the Green Climate Fund. Incheon will spare no administrative efforts for the successful settlement of the CTCN Partnership and Liaison Office in Songdo of Incheon.”

“As we head into COP26, we know that technology and finance are critical to support commitments by countries under the Paris Agreement and to tackle the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution,” said Inger Andersen, Executive Director of the UN Environment Programme. “We welcome and count on the strong support of the Republic of Korea to the CTCN to enhance collaboration and innovation on climate technologies and their rapid deployment. It is precisely these types of collaborations that are vital to step up urgent climate action.”

“This office can strengthen the collaboration between the Technology and Financial Mechanisms under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and strengthen efforts on technology development and transfer of climate technology for mitigation and adaptation,” says Ms. Moa Forstorp, CTCN Advisory Board Chair.

The Office will join the Green Climate Fund (the largest fund in the Financial Mechanism) as part of the United Nations in Songdo, Incheon. In addition to increased collaboration with the Fund, the CTCN Partnership and Liaison Office will conduct capacity building, engage private and public sector partners, and serve as a centre of excellence for climate technology development.

The Republic of Korea and the UNEP signed a host country agreement on September 27th in support of technology development and transfer to combat climate change and build resilient societies.


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