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World Bank highlights Tata Power Delhi Distribution’s role in Capacity Building and Training of female engineers from Afghanistan’s National Power Utility- DABS


Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited’s, a leading power distribution utility supplying power to a populace of 7 million in North Delhi, support towards capacity building and training of female engineers from Afghanistan’s National Power Utility has been highlighted  by the World Bank in its Blog – blogs.worldbank.org/  


Story Link: https://blogs.worldbank.org/endpovertyinsouthasia/how-afghanistans-national-power-utility-helping-women-thrive-workplace).


Tata Power-DDL had hosted a delegation of all-female engineers from Afghanistan working with Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS) at its Learning Center, Rohini, Delhi. The batch of female engineers received the training as a part of the ongoing Capacity Building Program for employees of DABS, organized with the objective of developing the performance matrices for the distribution sector and channeling an effective roadmap for uninterrupted power supply in the country.

 Building on its expertise and domain knowledge, the company’s learning centre has played an instrumental role in assisting distribution utilities within India and across the world by providing High-End Customized Training Programs at all levels to continually prepare them for the existing technologies and future competencies in power distribution sector.


Also, the company has always been an advocate of promoting learning and development in the sector through exchange of knowledge, experience and skills and has taken several steps to promote gender equality in the sector, and to encourage women to take up leadership roles.

 Tata Power- DDL is providing consultancy services to the Afghanistan Power Sector through an array of capacity building training programs ranging from Demand Side Management, Project Management, Safety Management, Automation-SCADA Maintenance, Afghanistan Energy Information Centre Website Development to Hotline Maintenance at DABS training centre in Kabul focusing on the necessary measures to improve the power distribution scenario.

 The delegation also visited the company’s state-of-the-art Smart Grid Lab showcasing latest distribution technologies, all women customer care center, rooftop solar carport and the technology center to understand how the Public-Private Partnership can transform the ailing distribution scenario.

 Mr. Ganesh Srinivasan, CEO, Tata Power-DDL commented on the initiative, “Tata Power-DDL is committed towards the growth and development of the power distribution sector, not only in India but also globally. It has been our honour to host the team of all female engineers from Afghanistan and support them with the technical knowledge we have garnered over the years. Besides capacity building, we will also be extending our support to DABS in the realms of operation and technical domains, by sharing our expertise and knowledge.”

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