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Ecopetrol: Ecopetrol will carry out scheduled maintenance at the Cusiana gas plant


Ecopetrol informs that from midnight on October 8 and until midnight on October 19, it plans to make a stop at the CPF (Central Processing Facility) of Cusiana, located in the municipality of Tauramena, Casanare, with the purpose of performing scheduled maintenance on this facility.

The intervention, which is carried out every five years, strengthens the safety of operations, mitigates the need for corrective interventions, maintains the useful life of the infrastructure, prevents incidents and guarantees the delivery of natural gas efficiently and without contingencies.

Together with the National Government, the unions and the other actors in the chain, Ecopetrol designed a plan to maintain the supply of natural gas for the essential market, that is, for homes, the commercial sector and the vehicles that run on it. energetic.

The defined plan includes the use of substitute fuels, the reduction of gas consumption in refineries and other Ecopetrol facilities, and imports through the Caribbean Coast.

The maintenance of the plant will be carried out under the highest safety standards and will generate job opportunities for the local workforce.

Cusiana produces around 270 million cubic feet of natural gas daily that supply the interior of the country.

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