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Rosneft Oil: Rosneft Backs Programmes for Amur Tiger Population Conservation


The Second International Forum on the Amur Tiger Conservation was held in Vladivostok as part of the Eastern Economic Forum. Rosneft has been supporting programmes to study the population of the species, which are implemented by the ANO Amur Tiger Centre, since 2013. The Company provides assistance to specially protected natural areas in the predator habitat, animal rehabilitation and reintroduction centres. Rosneft participates in the purchase of equipment and transport for scientific purposes and in the construction of social infrastructure for scientists.

Environment protection is an integral part of Rosneft’s corporate culture and social responsibility. The Company conducts large-scale activities to restore natural resources, study rare animals and conserve biodiversity in the regions of operation.

The Company also protects four other species: the polar bear, the Atlantic walrus, the snow gull and the wild reindeer. Like the Amur tiger, these animals are bio-indicators of local ecosystems. Scientists draw conclusions about the climatic and ecological processes of vast inaccessible areas based on the state of the populations.

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